Gooberzilla's Greatest Blog EVER!

FEAR THE GOOBERZILLA! Home of the Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast. And the Worst Movie EVER! Podcast, too. A blog devoted to reviewing only the finest films ever made. And robots. Lots of robots. Robot alligators from Jupiter, bent on enslaving the human race and forcing us to service their fiendish, cybernetic dentures, since they themselves have lost this wondrous technology... Also, various and sundry shenanigans.

Monday, July 17, 2006

New Age Propaganda

This week, Mom and I tackle The Dark Crystal.

3 Minutes, 12 seconds In:

The Skeksis: Guaranteed to Scare Little Children or Your Money Back!

3 Minutes, 47 seconds In:


7 Minutes, 17 seconds In:

The Garthim, for all your Giant, Marauding Beetle Needs.

17 Minutes, 24 seconds In:

Puppet Nudity! Dear Heavens, think of the Children!

18 Minutes, 4 seconds In:

Too much M-TV, man.

That's it for this week! Visit again next week for more of the Greatest Movie EVER!


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