The Crushing Pressure of Mediocrity...
The Core is the Worst Movie EVER. We blame Daryl Surat over at AnimeWorldOrder for inflicting this cinematic atrocity on our psyches, and we swear upon the ghost of M.D. Geist and the ruins of the Brain Palace that vengeance shall be ours. Well, not really...we still love you, Daryl, in a completely heterosexual and non-threatening way.
Also, new installations in the Appatosaurus Preserve now allow us to record and publish an episode across vast gulfs of time, space, and probability without sounding like we're shouting from inside a tin out-house. (Translation: We got some new software; the podcast should sound better than before.)
3 Minutes, 27 Seconds In:
D.J. Qualls surrenders. We do, too.
10 Minutes, 26 Seconds In:
It's just a little scratch. He could be okay...
...maybe not.
16 Minutes, 4 Seconds - 16 Minutes, 36 Seconds In:
Bishopcruz loses his frickin' mind.
18 Minutes, 21 Seconds In:
21 Minutes, 0 Seconds In - 21 Minutes, 29 Seconds In:
Invoking the Avatar of Warwick Davis, the Almighty Gooberzilla calls Supreme Shenanigans(TM).
NEW FEATURE! COMING SOON! A taste of what's in store in the next Greatest Movie EVER Podcast.
Somebody set us up the bomb.
Cheers, mate.